Monday, June 22, 2009

There are no lemons in a box of chocolates.

The Forgotten Pig.


2009-06-10 - 2009-06-22

Pigorilla Power!

There are no winners....or losers, in this game you call life.....bring me a winner and I’ll show you an end of a winning streak with a misplaced bullet......bring me a loser and I’ll show you gratitude for that very same me yourself for I will bring you no joy, if the truth be known about sallow sorrow. The jest is in the festival of the ongoing mess that you bet with the triumphant gavel of the Devil we strive to bring us alive with the beat of the heat with our feet on the street.

Struggle on Pigorillians for stop we daren’t cause our love will be lost on the most treacherously vehement.

Greenland surrounds me with snow covered mounts....look in my you see no sadness that counts?

Oh me, oh my....the Poor Pigorilla....I cannot even recall what put him in such a state. All I remember is the most beautiful scenery. Icebergs were plentiful, but they would have looked more at home in a glass of malt whiskey, than in the hull of a ship. Polar bears were scarce and of penguins, I saw none. Seals were a plenty, as were huskies, probably twenty. 79 degrees north was as far as we went; any further and the ship would have got bent.

I was sorry to say farewell to friends, but the excitement of being on land again was pulsating through my body like a throbbing zud... I haven’t been disappointed. There is a vibrancy and carelessness on land that is totally removed from life on a ship. On a ship, safety is everything, while on land, living is everything. People consistently going about their lives, scratching for a foothold to push themselves up to peak over the next ledge before clambering forward in their search for more of what they are not sure that they’ve had. On and on this wheel turns. Some die, some don’t...some wish they had...some would rather they didn’t, but while it cannot last forever, us Pigorillians scratch ever on....searching, seeking, seeking, scratching, searching, seeking, scratching, hatching, and all the while this is called living! about that?

It’s hard to justify why it doesn’t work, because too much has gone into the way that it is. It’s probably harder to justify that it does not work. Let’s look at my old favourite, Religion. I’m a great believer that while religion has been the basis that leaders have been able to get us to kill each other by the thousands often, it is not the only reason they could have used to sway the ignorant masses. Hypothetically speaking, bearing in mind my atheistic roots, let’s assume that the whole world was Islamic. Would everyone still kill each other? Probably less likely than if the whole world was a Christian democracy. Buddhism would probably be the best belief for world peace, by the aggressors amongst us would soon resort to bludgeoning the poor Buddhists to death on the pretext that they were actually accruing vast hidden wealth and possessions and a new dawn of capitalism and greed would be upon us like a breath of fresh air wafting down from the icy mountains. And then it would all start again, until one day we will blow ourselves up, get hit by a meteor or simply run out of useful sperm. Hopefully the species that follows will be a whole lot more intelligent with bucket loads of fun and an eternity of life to make sure that mistakes are corrected by the same entity with no reliance on Chinese whispers passed from generation to generation with devastating inaccuracy. That story of the Virgin Mary has left my three siblings patiently waiting for divine intervention only to realise too late that the horse has not only bolted the stable, it has also already died of old age. And here I am, gratefully aware that the powers of natural selection have kept my lovers very well aware of the trials and tribulations of life as a Pigorilla and quietly slunk into the night without so much as a light to guide them as they stray and sway while the old hag begins to neigh.

But all in all, there is so much going for those that live on land; the world is your oyster, I have heard.....and indeed it is. Always be is a well known fact that it those that succeed the best and the most often are those that go into things with cautious abandon. Look for that oyster, but when you feel like it’s raining black pepper and you’re getting poured on by, Forrest, run (only as far as is necessary, though).

Forrest Gump: “That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.”

Forrest had so much not going for him and yet he just blundered forward, always seeing the bright side. His momma used to say, “Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You just never know what yer gonna get.” Forrest’s momma was right. Whatever you get, think of it as chocolate and then all you need to think about is what type of chocolate it could be. There are no lemons, in a box of chocolates.

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