Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Persistent Illusion is our Reality




Pigorilla Power!  A Tale.


The Pigorilla is back from his seminars which closely resembled the wake of a person that passed away, leaving no friends. I wouldn’t be travelling the world if it was all about the money, but this is becoming absolutely ridiculous. That’s the problem selling something for a commission that everyone has or doesn’t want.

As long as I get through this world cruise and onto the more lucrative Caribbean, Baltic and Med cruises, the sun will shine on my hollow wallet. I lie here in my cabin...cool jazz sounds twinkling through the porthole while the passengers drink their complimentary champagne above, longing for more days of their lives to be added to the clock- tick, tocking like a noose round their necks.

The average age at sixty eight is quite good for this cruise, but the youngsters that bring the average down, are rarely seen. The Captain just announced that we are nearly ready to sail and the initial reports of the repaired thrust bearing are positive. The passengers have enjoyed a wonderful five days here in Auckland (as have I), but they have had the added carrot of complimentary drinks, tours and up to £500.00 compensation for the skipped ports of Wellington, Napier, Papeete, Moorea and Bay of Islands due to the pesky propeller. I, on the other hand, have had the wonderful hospitality of my good friends, Aaron and Nigel as well as the delectable Adelle and her beau, Nathan. I have been sad not to see Laura Smale and the elusive Mr. Warren-Smith in Sydney, or Darren Lewis, Rowan and certainly not least, Bingham, but there is little one can do once the milk is spilled. Depending on the amount, most of it will shake off with a single shrug...some of the larger portions can take years of twisted torment and sleepless nights before the moos of the cows that produced it are but faint murmurs in the valley below. People think facing up to problems is difficult, but I feel that it is much harder to run from them and there are only few that I have met that have covered as much ground running as I have. Always one to make sure I can cover my tracks, it was Einstein who was my ally when he said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”. The band has finished, the champagne flutes are covered in residue, at best, while the sun has set and the night closes in. It can be a lonely place, this shippy, but where can’t it?

Thanks to all of you for encouragement and support for The Pigorilla.....sometimes a banana is just not quite enough and it is all gratefully appreciated.

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