Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On a Round World, first and last are indistinguishable.



Pigorilla Power!

The refreshing thing about this group that it is different from any other collection of people.....and I’m not talkin’ about jus’ any group of people y’know.....I am talking about all people and all groups of people.....and that thing is....that u don’t know what yr gonna get and I don’t know what yr gonna get and that means that what you get is about as fresh as things grow!

Live it! Love it! We can go at any time.....this isn’t about cliché’s....this isn’t about knowledge......I know as little about everything as the least knowledgeable know about their main thing....it is enough.....if u come to me with a lump in your armpit, as a girl did earlier....my advice to her is easy.....u got it 1st time. “GO TO the DOCTOR!” Why is it often so hard to give our selves good advice, but we can dispense it to others with ease and grace.  I will check by midday with my friend, the doctor,  to see if she has nothing to worry about as I suspect.....and that’s life....another human saved.....live it! Love it!.....but know 100 million years from now.....no matter how many times you plan to reincarnate(if at all)....bye-bye baby! Hasta le vista!

Sorry...not much news today....I’m in the middle of the ocean 12 hours behind a place I was 12 hours ahead of yesterday....if that sounds strange, look around you....none of it fits straight back into the mould! Where it came from is probably not where it’s going....

Goodness prevails! Enjoy it!

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