Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sleep with Alprazolam – Live with Defiance.



Pigorilla Power!

Out of the deep blue sea, another day has dawned and evaporated in front of my very eyes leaving another 24 hours having been removed from my life....or was it a bonus day? One that I wasn’t going to get, but was given anyway because no-one else wanted it....whatever it was, it’s gone, and all I have to show for it is a couple of hours of colour on my skin.

Another book (Rigged by Ben Mezrich) is finished, having left me with the feeling that I should have spent the last 10 years in Dubai trading oil. A brilliant, inspiring, book if you feel like you need any more literary genius than your daily dose of Pigorilla Power! Hard to believe, but just as I like to add the odd protein shake to my diet, so others also require a little more than they get. It goes for most things and most people. We are all unique...just like everybody else.

Here I am faithfully waiting for my second last Alprazolam (a magnificent tranquiliser) to kick in while crunching a few NikNaks (a cheese flavoured South African potato crisp) that I found in Auckland.

One person came to my morning class...no-one bothered for the afternoon one, and this evening, I am shunning the rest of the world, apart from your good selves, as if they were stricken with the dreaded pox.

A friend who was ready to die a few days ago with a lump under her arm and has now been given the all clear by the ship’s doctor, so that’s good. I have another book...”The Gods of War”.....about mayhem in the Roman times....probably just what I need.

Keep your chins up cause this little Pigorilla feels like he’s off to the market.....and I don’t mean for shopping. Having fun is not easy...it’s hard work and you need the right ingredients....all of them are in horribly short supply or just not available at all.....what to do....



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