Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is all reality really virtual?


Pigorilla Power!

The wind is Force 6, the swell is up and the hangover is all but a very vivid memory. The James Bond night went well last night and while the Spa people seemed to get the most out of the evening, The DigiMan (that’s me), did quite well nabbing a few of the delicious morsels on board for a snap shot.

The crew bar was my home till the early hours this morning and a busy day put paid to my aspirations of being a revitalised hit in the Ward Room (Officers bar) this evening where there is horse-racing on the go and some fine times to be had.

After just eating an unpronounceable New Zealand fish with some deep fried camembert on the side followed up by a couple of scoops of vanilla ice-cream with some thick, creamy chocolate sauce, I can safely assure you that a sloth has more upwardly mobile intentions than my prostate, slovenly body.

Reflection on life (mine, others closer to me, and others not so close to me as well as those so far removed that they speak languages I don’t intend to ever understand) is a full time job on the Shippie. It is amazing to me how convinced I was that thoughts that had receded into the dark cavernous corners of my skull are now crowding my random access memory and jostling for a position to be given a fair trial.

Only three more sea days till Hawaii, but the relentless pressure of the passengers presses in on the crew like a wave of seals on a shoal of sardines. Most will escape, but the pressure forces some to become food. A lovely blow-hole excursion on Hawaii torments me when I consider the last one that I visited swallowed a couple of humans the day after and moshed them up against its throat before failing to spit them out.....that was the wild coast and while it is lovely, it was a grim reminder of how Africa treats the careless or the weak....the UK would have had a fence around it so far from the hole that one would be better off reading the brochure.

The equatorial line was crossed today and I am now officially in the northern hemisphere. Orion’s Belt, the Seven Sisters and Ursa Major and other familiar constellations are fast disappearing behind the horizon as my circumnavigation of the globe is moving into full swing. The Pacific Ocean all around me, flexes her muscles and while it may not always seem so from my Pigorilla Power! ramblings, it is quite unbelievable how much clearer  things are becoming  to me. The clarity is not borne through ignorance, but rather a great sense of the absolute unimportance of it all.... 

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