Saturday, January 23, 2016

Dove Love

Dove Love

Nothing helps
the power of understanding
living in the moment
like the pain
the loss
the person you love

The sun turns to dusk even at dawn
The beauty of the things you did cherish
look like they are playing their final set
Darkness falls on the life you did get

The tears that should help
drown your thoughts of hope
Where there was exciting anticipation
trepidation comforts creeping ghouls

Accomplished goals
become dangerous holes
hollow victories

Spring blossoms
gnarled roots
Summer rain
is the earth
crying at you
for the more

Caring friends
their genuine love
understanding faces
like doctors staring
at their dying patients

Deals turn to wheels
a hearse on its tracks
as it slides
its last trip
Your Love

True Love
not a game
you can tame
you lose
what you had
you are never
the same

Better to have loved and lost?
Are they weighing the cost?

There's no feeling
like the power of now
When the pain
it's so vivid
your love is a dove
flapping flat on the road

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The colour of time is opaque.

I'm never quite sure if people understand the length of ten years. For those that have spent it in prison, I can't imagine that they feel that it has gone particularly quickly. And then again, while everyone strives to be as happy as much of the time as they possibly can, I can never feel as happy for those that have loved the time so much that it is gone in an instant. Their happiness can't last nearly as long as the feeling that they are racing through there lives with such speed that they have only the rapture to look forward to. I guess that the best way is to try and find a happy medium between the different styles of winding our way towards an ever increasingly inconvenient death.

In the past ten years, I've had the good fortune of visiting over two hundred cities in over thirty six countries, I've been chased by plain clothes police through London streets, I've made love to women from places I've never been and I've had the shit kicked out of me for no reason that I could have seen. I've torn my life to shreds, built it up again with tiny threads. I've cried over friends that have died and sighed over people that have lied. I've missed my dead mother for the things she never was able to teach me and I've grumbled over how little I learnt from those that could. I've soaked up all the knowledge that my books, twitter feeds, Facebook, love ,relationships and passion could offer and increasingly despair at how little more knowledge helps us understand the things that should matter most.

I have so much to give , but once I've been sucked senseless by an unforgiving relentless London, I'm fighting for my life, my sanity, my happiness....not every now and again, and not everyday, but every single moment.......except perhaps those split seconds when you are about to step out off the pavement in front of an oncoming bus and your brain shrieks that it's probably as good a time as any to die, but not by a blithering bloody bus (perhaps my grandfathers spirit stepping in who lost his life in exactly this way). I've been here ten years, I've got the passport....why is the original "big picture" so hard to see. Ten years here can cloud your brain to the point where your life that you had can seem surreal to the point where your brain is a cloud and you may as well be proud because the escape route you sought with the passport you have has been bought with ten years of your life! This is not a fucking joke! This is your life.......Laugh!

It's amazing to feel the spring sun on my face. The past winter here yielded ninety two hours of sunlight. You know that there is a problem with the sunlight when it is perfectly acceptable that someone counts the hours of sunlight that there have been in a given period. I wonder if anyone counts, or for that matter gives a flying continental buck how many hours of sunlight Kenya had last winter???? My point exactly!

 We don't have to end up with people to share our lives with that are not exactly the correct fit for what we like. And in the event that your intuition stuffs it up and you end up with a lemon, there is no need for too much compromise to smooth over the rough edges. Too much satisfaction leads to complacency. Consider how you can retrieve what you think you deserve or thought that you had, apply the plan and in the event that you succeed, improve your life with the added bonus of appreciating similar to what thought you should have had a whole lot more! There is no-one that appreciates the perfect life less than the person that has it all the time!

The problem with these ten year periods is that no matter what you have done or how much you have enjoyed is still ten years and the chances are you have used two of those periods by the time you are twenty, you have used one of them in the past ten years, and you probably only have five others left if you are thirty years old now. Like me, some of you might be missing another couple of these pesky decades. Funny how they fly by, isn't it? There is no time to see how the next couple of decades may pan out. Now is the time to think that you have been living too boring a life and spread your wings a little, or like me, realise you've used your wings so much that soon you are going to end up voluntarily clipping them or head straight into the fire of poverty shared by the pecking turkeys while the eagles gobble caviar to their hearts content while soaring above.

What you are going to do with your next ten years is of paramount importance and that's what has led me to my thoughts on my next ten years and where I feel they should be spent.

Fuck it! I'm going home! 

Friday, October 29, 2010



The beach is crisp and golden. The waves lap lovingly along the shoreline. The sun is pouring energy onto the bikini clad beauties while the stunning, lithe, cheetah like body purrs dreamily next to me thinking wistfully about the previous evening of tequila filled frolicking on the dance floor where the world was her oyster for pleasure, and the pain of some of her past reality was pushed into a space that no-one would ever find, not even her. How could it all have become such a distant memory; Her current love of life banishing her chequered past into obscurity? For now, all she could see was the wonderful progression of the Human Race to the point where most of the wealthy were now living on Gliese 581c , pure and free for the time being, where everyone was sharing the same financial equality and striving for something so much more important than the ideals and values that the population had adopted on Earth till it had almost run its terminable course.

 There was now a future for everyone to look forward to for the generations ahead that didn’t end with the depletion of natural resources and the apocalypse. A shared hope that the new collective thought dimension  (a previously undiscovered part of Humans brains allowing all to appreciate everything) had exposed to such an extent that it seemed literally impossible to have anything but an internal fundamental deep foundation of total satisfaction; Irrespective of your life circumstances. The falsehood and misconception of previous collective beliefs had all been revealed to be an internal glitch in the system of religion that had been designed to bring humans together. Unforeseeably it ended up tearing the diverging factions apart which had nearly caused the end of our entire existence forever.

“I wonder if anyone can see it as clearly as I do?” she wondered. “Does our universal collective thought extend to our perception of reality more than just the underlying goodness and satisfaction that is woven inexorably amongst us?” Sarah (that was her name) was in a unique position of influence with her father being the Guidance Counsellor (the new title for Chairperson) of the entire media circulation for the contactable galaxy. The new title had been formed to represent a leaders universal approach driven entirely by altruism and benevolence.

“Perhaps I’ll ask father if there is too much nepotism in his daughter writing a monthly article in the Universal Galactic  about how she saw the past three hundred years (since the removal of ageing {not death} people lived much longer)”, she considered thoughtfully while subconsciously tickling her nipples through her thin bikini top leaving me with the thought that she was thinking about how wonderfully I’d brought her to the tormented, moaning climax that she had terminated the neighbours deep sleep with while repeating my name in what must have sounded like a religious mantra to those that had bothered to remember how much their beliefs had changed.

As it turns out, Sarah did ask her father and he agreed.

This is Sarah’s account of our future......

Friday, February 12, 2010

Better I live!



I’ve often wondered why the good Jesus decided to take my mother from me when I was so little; especially as everyone around me at the time seemed to think that I still needed her so much. Even my mum thought that I needed her soo much which was more perplexing. I wasn’t quite sure where she might go if she did die, but most people seemed to think it was a place called “Heaven” and it didn’t seem too bad. In any event “Heaven” wasn’t too much of a concern, ‘cause my mom had spoken to Jesus and he was going to make her better. “Don’t worry Marky”, she used to say, “I’ve spoken to Jesus and everything is going to be fine.” I was pretty impressed with this Jesus fellow, because after five years of the cancer eating away at her, she was looking a little worse for wear. Thank goodness there was this incredible thing that Jesus could do which everyone was relying on called a “miracle”, because after flying around the world several times looking for some other way of sorting the problem out, the miracle seemed to be our last resort. Anyway, mum was sure that it was coming and that was good enough for me.

No one really discussed mums health, or the deterioration of it much. I don’t think that would have been showing much faith in the imminent miracle that must have been coming any moment because she didn’t look like she could hold out much longer. Her breasts had been chopped off; not the clever way they locate and remove growths nowadays, and the lucozade wasn’t fattening her up much. She was also looking really ill. I don’t think my father was being insensitive when he said one day as we were travelling in the car, “You know mums going to die, don’t you.” “Yes, I know”, I said. It was an unusual moment, because I remember sensing that that was a very important thing he had just managed to tick off his list. “Good, that’s Mark taken care of”, I could feel him thinking as he moved onto the rest of the list. I don’t really remember how I coped with my life during that era, but it wasn’t difficult and it was far less demanding and pointless than it appears to be now, so all in all I remember it as a relatively happy time. I never spared too much thought about how poor dad must be feeling, but the Lord had his own happy plan for dad, so I guess it’s all good in the end.

Generally, I enjoyed the time, I spent with my mom. Especially the times when I used to talk her into driving me to Roy’s Toys shop on the corner of Windermere and Innes road in Morningside. It wasn’t far from home, but she said that she could see four of everything and even although I was only little, I had to tell her which car was the real one that was coming towards us. Sometimes I used to get my left and my right wrong and she would have to swerve violently to move out the way of the oncoming car. Those were fun times. Sometimes she would say that she was too sick to drive and I used to throw a tantrum and then she would drive. Sometimes my tantrum didn’t work further than getting her downstairs and  then I could see that she really was too sick to drive and I would help her crawl back upstairs where we could play mini cricket on the carpet or sometimes she would just climb back into bed and do nothing.    

There were a few times that I didn’t want to play with her. Once was on my eleventh birthday and I had some friends around and we were having lots of fun and then I was called upstairs because mom wanted to give me something for my birthday. I wasn’t happy to be interrupted, but went up-stairs anyway. I don’t remember who was there with her.

It’s funny how some memories are so clear to us and others are not at all clear. I remember a really bothersome rat at our old house in Lambert road. I don’t think we were still staying there, because we left and I was not much older than one and I don’t think that you can remember much when you are only one. Perhaps my father still owned it and the people that were staying there wanted him to kill the rat, because they couldn’t catch it and ‘cause my dad could do anything. Anyway...the rat in the house looked more like a mouse with its poor little head squished ever so awfully with his floppy pink tongue hanging on the dark steel plate that the big bar had come down and squashed his little head onto. The tasty looking little piece of cheese was still sitting there guiltily on the place where the mouse had sniffled too much rather than scampering for its life.

I think my granny, Nan, may have been there....also perhaps my auntie Doreen who was my moms sister and always there. My mom was whispering something at me, but I couldn’t really hear her very well and had to put my ear up close to her mouth. It turned out that she was whispering, “Happy Birthday, my darling.” She had her hand out....her thin little hand....quivering. “She got it herself”, someone said beside me. That this person, my mom, could do anything herself was a mystery, but perhaps it was before she was too sick like the way she was now. In her hand, with the weight almost too much for her,  was an ounce of gold that she had wanted me to have for my birthday and also probably something I could keep to  remember her by. Oh, if only I could have looked after that Kruger Rand, but that is another story all on its own.

My mother died a few days later. I was spared all the usual cheek pulling and smothering bosom hugs at the funeral because I think most people felt a little awkward and didn’t quite know what to say. Jesus got off scot free, it seemed, because even although he didn’t manage to pull that miracle out the bag at the last moment, his father, God, who was also him, but different, sometimes worked in ways that Humans were not clever enough to understand and “the Lord (who is also Jesus) works in strange ways”. Anyway, all the adults were falling back on that story, although my father was starting to look a little less convinced.
I thought that this was all a load of nonsense and sometimes thought that perhaps it was just a big joke that everyone was playing on me like when I caught my dad stealing Father Christmas’ beer and banana one night on Christmas Eve. I think he was so embarrassed to be caught by his son stealing Father Christmas’s banana and beer that he had to rather destroy my belief by owning up to the lesser sin of lying to me about the existence of Father Christmas all those years.

My father has been a prime example of good fortune and a blessed life in that had the good Lord not killed off my mother, he would never have met and married his current wife. Their current relationship is probably the reason I’ll struggle to get married, because they just set such a hard example to follow of what a happy marriage should be like. I’m not quite sure why Jesus had to make my mom suffer for so long just so my father could have two happy marriages, but perhaps it was to give him time to find the new wife. Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know!

Then I was wondering why Jesus took her from me just to give my dad two happy marriages.  I was only ever going to have one mother and when she was gone, then I wouldn’t have one anymore. Well, Jesus had an answer to that to, but it took someone else’s misfortune to make me eventually see it so clearly.

It came in form of the tragic suicide of Lee Alexander McQueen. He took his life ten days after his mother died of cancer. He was unable to live with the grief of his mother having passed away. I’m not sure what their deal with Jesus was, but being gay, there are some fairly moderate and most fundamental believers out there that believe he had it coming anyway, not to mention the worst yet to come in the after-life.  Perhaps the good Jesus took my mothers life because in his infinite wisdom he realised that once I was old enough to realise that Heaven was just a figment of my imagination, if my mother was to die at that point, perhaps, just perhaps, I would have been soo unhappy that I might have taken my own life. It becomes all very confusing and I sometimes don’t feel quite clever enough to keep tabs on how it all works.

Michael Onfray has helped my understanding of it all in one of his books and explains quite well how It all gets very confusing, especially when one looks at justifications for the Crusades, the Inquisition, the French Religious Wars, the Saint Bartholomew’s  Day massacre of Paris’s Protestants, the stake, but not only that, worldwide colonialism, North American ethnocide policies, support for twentieth century fascist movements, and the centuries long temporal  hold of the Vatican over the smallest details of daily life.....not only that; There is clear exhortation on almost every page of the Koran to destroy unbelievers, including believers like Christians and Jews -  their religion, their culture, their civilisation....All in the name of a merciful God! So many different pathways to entrench the idea that precisely because of Gods existence, everything is permitted – in him, through him, and in his name, without the slightest objection by believers, clergy, the masses, or the ruling spheres.

If the existence of God, independently of its Jewish, Christian, or Muslim form, had given us just a little forewarning regarding hatred, lies, rape, pillage, immorality, embezzlement, perjury, violence, contempt, swindling, false witness, depravity, paedophilia, infanticide, drunkenness, and perversion, we may never have seen the likes of atheists. The rabbis, priests and imams with their great many of faithful followers doing good, excelling in virtue, setting an example, and proving to the godless  and perverse that morality was on their side. Obeying their relevant commandments and not lying, pillaging, robbing, nor raping or even bearing false witness nor murdering. Even more true to modern life – not plotting terrorist attacks on Manhattan, nor launching punitive raids on the Gaza Strip, or covering up the deeds of their paedophile  priests. At that point we would see the faithful converting their neighbours right, left and centre through the example of their shining conduct. Gods existence, it seems to me, has historically generated in his name, more battles, massacres, conflicts, and wars than peace, serenity, brotherly love, forgiveness of sins, and tolerance.

The biographies of Moses, Paul and Mohammed confirm how well they excelled in murder, torture and orgies of plunder. So many variations on the theme of loving ones neighbour.

The history of the human race unquestionably teaches the rewards of vice and the disappointments of virtue....whether God is or is not, he has never made anyone pay for insulting, neglecting, despising, forgetting or crossing him! Theists indulge in every kind of metaphysical contortion to justify evil in the world, while simultaneously affirming the existence of a God whom nothing escapes! Deists seem less blind, atheists more lucid.

I’ve never thought of Anthony Hopkins and considered that our thoughts could have been too alike, but our preconceptions of things very often turn out to be misconceptions.  Sometimes we have opinions or beliefs about certain things and nothing ever happens to give those thoughts a good shake so that they fall out of our heads like ill-grasping monkeys out of a tree. I thought Anthony, being the big Hollywood film star that he is, would have been more preoccupied with buying his next yacht than silencing the lambs. It was interesting to hear him say, “It’s nice to get a knighthood, but in the end it’s just the same old face in the mirror getting older and older – you have to shave every morning and you look at your face and think: this is it, this is the deal. And there is a wonderful harsh reality about that. Time is going by. I better get on with it. I better live.”

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Search for the Truth – Leave no stone unturned or thrown.

Pigorilla Power!
26 – 01 -2010
I never really know what or where things are going and am
only comforted by the knowledge that those who think that they do know are very often proven wrong by facts.

Facts are made up of irrefutable evidence
that can generally prove something or disprove it. They are also extremely useful at pointing in a good direction to continue searching.  For the all to recent tragedy of a disaster in Haiti, specialists and dogs were brought in to listen for cries in the rubble in order that when an area was found where a cry or a sigh had been heard, that is where the firemen and volunteers would remove rubble to look for people that were still alive. It wouldn’t make much sense for a sound reader to pick up a cry for help in one area and then the operator send everyone off to another area to find the person, would it? It is a simple application of factual scientifically derived knowledge to look where the instrument directs us.

Science has helped us with putting a stop to deaths like Anne Darwin, who it is believed eventually died of tuberculosis in 1851 after having deteriorated from contracting scarlet fever a few years before with her two sisters. Poor Charles, with so much scientific acumen within him, stood not a chance at helping her with Gully’s water cure in the Worcestershire spa town of Great Malvern where her little ten year old body is buried. Thank goodness for science. I watched my mother dying when I was ten years old and I would hate for the roles to have been reversed. The pain of losing a child to a slow death that is totally out of your control must be unbelievably intense.

While we have made huge inroads into the curing of disease and improving Human longevity, there are still diseases out there that we are struggling with. I am, however, very grateful that the same cancer that took my mother has had so many more millions of pounds committed to the disease and my sister now stands a so much better chance of beating  it with early diagnoses and effective chemo-therapy that seems to be doing its job all too well. While it is not an exact science, I am very  grateful that I have people that have studied and specialised in the disease looking after her. Combatting the disease is so much further along the line than it seemed thirty years ago. I remember my mothers all too upsetting remarks on the mercy of Jesus and how her faith in God would pull her through. I hope this helped her, because it didn’t make any sense to me; not before, or after she died.

In a way, I am fortunate, because I have been at the “raw” end of religion and with having had someone that had such ultimate belief in the religious system. I took a break at the beginning of this paragraph and switched on CNN who had a documentary running on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Ethiopia and other African countries. Despite most of these barbaric rituals occurring in Islamic countries there is no order to commit them in the Koran. Imams, however,  are insisting that it is there in the Koran and this helps them control women in these countries by using religion. Hellllooooow!!! Is this news? Religion has been used to control people since the beginning of religion. Perhaps it was the only way to keep some sort of organised control and perceived to be a good way of instilling a value system, but ultimately, it has created more division amongst the Human Race than any other factor.

We are hurtling towards extinction! If we don’t buck up our ideas and start to work together as a planet soon, we will be the source of our own demise. Although my Christian friends and I will have different thoughts when that mushroom cloud is hurtling towards us, a few moments after that, we will all be stone dead. Whether those thoughts a few moments earlier were of the great rapture finally being upon us or not will mean very little.

There is starting to become too much at stake for us to have belief systems that are no longer valid in the world in which we live. While I wasn’t impressed with Bill Mahers film Religulous, I am grateful for the initiative he took. Humans appear to have a deep need to believe in something greater than themselves, and trying to get people to distance themselves from a belief system that they think works for them is very difficult. For the greater good of the human race we need to start taking responsibility ourselves and look towards common sense for divine fodder.

We have lots to learn and science does not know everything, but very much has been learnt and understood and accepted without a shadow of a doubt. ...enough, in the mind of many of the worlds intellectual thinkers to totally discredit much of what is in the different books of religion. They are, for the most part, far too similar to be different stories, and yet have often been used as the basis to pit nations against each other. If I was a non free thinking person in Afghanistan right now, I would be a Muslim. I have a very good fundamentally Christian friend who accepts that had he been born in Afghanistan, he would be a Muslim fundamentalist and would no doubt be preparing himself for all the lovely virgins once he blew himself up in Allah’s name. If it is possible to accept that our belief is dictated to by an overwhelming extent by our place of birth, surely it cannot be too much of a different, difficult step to break the shackles and accept that we have been led to believe in one big fairy tale?

Does religion suite people so much that reason is no longer effective? I believe that the rule of law and democracy is enough to keep people in check. There is no need to have been born with sin and the risk of eternal damnation to follow certain basic ethics and values. Some of the ten
commandments have been broken by many of my Christian friends. Before one judges my friends too harshly, read them again. Is that the best an omnipotent God could come up with? Come on! I could rattle off ten commandments better suited to todays life on earth in five minutes, if you feel that it is indeed commandments that we need.

None of our old religious books can help us anymore. In my mind, we live in a far more humane caring society. The raw injustices of our developing years to date have been rough at best. It is time to distance ourselves from them. Perhaps they have been a help, perhaps they haven’t, but I feel that the time has come for all people to work together in a positive light towards a future we will have to make for the generations to come. I hate to tell you, but we will not be part of that future....not as a son, a father, or even a ghost. Do good, because you want to. Don’t chase possessions more than helping your fellow compatriots along the road with you. Think of all people in your actions; not only the living and the dead, but especially those still to come. Believe in yourselves, that is where the responsibility goes no further and most importantly, try and make the most of all the good things that you do.

The search for alien life continues and  we are coming to realise  how many galaxies that there could be out there and that certain stars are likely to have been around more than twice the four to five billion years that Earth has been in existence. I am pleased that SETI (search for extra-terrestrial life) enthusiasts are coming to agreement on the messages that we should be sending out into space. Planets similar to ours may be a couple of hundred light years away which would leave any respondents to messages dealing with a few generations down the line from ours.

It wouldn’t be right to send out the wrong signals.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dwell not on poor Yorick! Rattle those Antlers.

Pigorilla Power !


13 January 2010 we are, Pigorillians....2010. It’s always felt like such a big year, although it couldn’t have been as big as I remember the build up to 2000 being. At least there was no risk of our computers crashing! Anyway, here it is and we can do whatever we want with it.....or can we? How much of what we do is already dictated to us by what has been jammed down our throats.

I’ve been fortunate to have sisters that loved their school career so it has been good to take a glimpse of that side of the fence. I am consistently reminded by my father how fortunate I was to have gone to the school I went to, and the financial sacrifices that made it possible for me to be there. After twenty four years of deliberation, I would like to finally conclude that it did me no good, and if anything, was the beginning of my acceptance that things were often just not going to be the way I wanted, and I should accept them for the way that they are. The fact that I was very unhappy away from where I grew up and all my childhood friends was not an issue. It was the “right” school, and I was to enjoy it at all costs, including, it appears, the cost of future security and contentment. Not indefinitely, one hopes, but certainly, till now.

I am still in contact with several boys/men from the school, and some, like my closest friend at Clifton and Michaelhouse has gone on to become a game ranger and has not been any more the wiser or more connected from having attended the school. Others have “networked” quite well within the school attendees and managed to achieve varying degrees of financial success through their clever posturing. There were others (perhaps the vast majority), who slotted effortlessly into the three most important aspects of the school.... Sport, Sport, and Sport, and no doubt loved every minute of it.

Very little else was given any real importance. There were “honours” badges for “Mathematics Olympiad” achievements, but there was no respect ever afforded to these champions of intelligence unless, of course, they also happened to play “centre” for the 1st team. We had one of the South African greats of hockey in our school, but despite achieving far more than anyone in any other sport, he only achieved marginal fame amongst his peers. Hockey was more of a girls sport than for budding men.

I guess what happens when you go to a Christian school is that you end up getting Christianity rammed down your throat. Well, that didn’t impress me either. From an early age when I was attending bible study going to St James Church in the leafy suburb of Morningside in Durban, South Africa, where my father was a deacon and my mother was still alive, I was confused and bewildered by the stories that the grown-ups were teaching us. Even then, I remember the lack of conviction with which my questions were responded to. In their defence, on adult retrospection, they didn’t have too much in the way of facts working for them and that is perhaps why the word faith and the explanation of what faith means features so high in my recollection. At Michaelhouse it was the same old chestnut getting chewed over and over and over again. It is extremely difficult to think freely about things when you are bombarded by having to be a great sportsman or foster a belief in something that makes no sense to you. On the other hand, education was important in that one needed to at least average in the class to remain under the radar. My inability to be able to concentrate for any lengths of time left me feeling bored and inclined to play the fool in class from an early age. The teachers thought I was disruptive and made very little effort with me other than to give me a difficult time of it all for disrupting their class.

I gained very little real satisfaction out of smoking cigarettes....more often than not, they just made me dizzy and nauseous and I was often surprised that my smoking colleagues would try and squeeze in two in one sitting. What smoking did give me was a place where, in a sea of activities where I didn’t fit in, I finally had a little group of mates that I could hang out with and also share some of my dissatisfaction with the school and everything that forced me to be there. My smoking buddies were all more fortunate than I was when they were handing out the weapons to defend yourself during  boarding school, but were for the most part not particularly enamoured with the status quo and looking forward to breaking free when it was all over. They were, without exception, very interesting individuals and I’m still in contact with the most of them. It’s funny how you spend so much time with people and then through circumstance and the vagaries of life, you all bumble off and do your own thing on another part of the planet. It all seems to me to be so primitive. Where are we going with all of this? This little recollection of my impression of my school life isn’t supposed to be a cry for help for someone to come up with a way to send me back in time twenty two years and score the winning try in the final game of rugby for the year to put the school at the top of the log (or whatever it was) making  me an indomitable hero with the my whole school cheering while the opposition hang their heads in defeat (although I imagine that that must be right up there when it comes to “cool feelings”).

This is the New Year Pigorillian message of hope, peace and wonderful, warm, fuzzy wishes for the year ahead. Perhaps those feelings of happiness can be derived from the ten years of school that you may not have disliked to the same extent and you can finally look back and think, “Gee, that was ok!” or perhaps you may think, “His schooling doesn’t sound too bad!”, in which case, all it will mean is that I have not yet told you sufficient. The exact same events are looked at in a different way by different people experiencing it in a different way. The most splendid beautiful sunrise after a night of raving and careless abandon is often greeted by a euphoric sense of gratitude and marvel at the splendour of it all which can be accompanied (on the good days) by a washing through the body of freedom and bliss. On any given day, there is someone else in a different place that is looking upon the same sunset and wishing they could have the previous day over so that they don’t have to greet that sunrise with the doom that they now know is impending and imminent. Should we be happy and content as the one who is appreciating it and not spare a thought for those in different circumstances? Perhaps we should think about them after we have appreciated the sunrise, or how about before the sunrise, in order that we can appreciate the sunrise with no guilt?

Our lives are too random, for my liking. I’m not happy with mine because I am so aware of exactly what I need to improve it, and the implications of acquiring those things. On the other hand, it is unlikely that you will find a more grateful individual for what they have than me.  I am only too aware of how difficult life could be if you are born as a deformed mute; pull a boiling pot of oil off the stove over your head at the age of eleven, disfiguring you even further with immense and continuous pain and die of aids after a long illness by the age of forty.

Having just taken a break from my lamenting regurgitation of my rendition of life on earth so far, I put my head out the window and have been wonderfully surprised by my whole garden being covered in a thick layer of beautiful snow and still more fluttering to ground majestically (if you’re one of Londons homeless out there, you may feel that it is falling rather mercilessly!).

This cannot be another year where we wonder where it has gone, or what we did with it. The world is perilously close to being in big trouble and it’s up to each Pigorillian to make sure that none of it stems from our own little patch of environment or energy source. I’m resigned to the knowledge that I am going to have to work for money this year, but with my new man and van business which is being well received by my loyal Gumtree supporters, I am sure that it will all work out OK. I’m digging in my heels till July when I receive my British citizenship which will then bring a further wealth of opportunities to my table.

Keep the Faith and grab this year by the horns and shake it by the antlers till it rattles!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Pig can run a wheel as well as a hamster!

Pigorilla Power !
9 December 2009-12-09
The Pig can run a wheel as well as a hamster!

Well, despite all my efforts to stay out of the Rat Race, I am getting sucked into the vortex like a drowning child. The problem with the Rat Race is that even if you win, you are still a Rat. It’s out of my hands now....I have run out of money and run out of money to loan. Every now and again, I dream of trust funds and fun I never worked for, but without my polished silver straw with which to suck up the finest Peruvian Flake, my dreams seem just dreams....where has the realism gone?
My day today cannot be done any justice with the thirty odd minutes I have to tell you about it, but you may as well hear some of it from me, while I will leave the rest to your fine Pigorillian imagination.
I woke up at 05h30, climbed out of bed, and as is customary every morning (no matter when I wake up), looked at myself in the mirror and wondered how the hell I ended up here. I guess I could be in a prison in Bangkok, but we are not trying to guess what could be worse....or just is. I couldn’t ponder too much as I had planned to go to gym and swim. I took my Zinc, Magnesium, Acetyl, Pseudo – Ephedrine, Ginger-Root and a few other things, brushed my teeth, got dressed (jeans, Madiba Man T-shirt and Ecco boots with leather jacket) and then jumped back into bed and closed my eyes counting backwards from “Twenty Dinosaurs to Six Dinosaurs” where upon which I leapt out of bed before I fell back into a deep sleep....rushed downstairs into the Madiba-Van and off to gym I went. I parked by the entrance so that everyone can see that I am a man with a van and dived into the pool. I lost one of my Speedo ear plugs and spent 15 minutes looking for it while everyone wondered what I was doing at the bottom of the pool pretending to be the man from Atlantis.
I made it to my appointment at 08h30 just ten minutes late after forty minutes spent creeping along Kings Road at the pace of a sloth. We went to Home Base to buy a carpet and then to a studio which “Andy” looked after for a landlord to fetch a couch. We replaced the couch in the following place with the couch we had taken and also picked up a single sofa for the landlord who was a little eccentric and had seven cats, five dogs and three foxes. Andy said people thought that she was a bit weird. “I wonder why?” I asked. He missed the sarcasm. The sofa was for the foxes.
We arrived at the house which seemed perfectly presentable and the landlady came out looking quite alright in a canary yellow matching track-suite top and bottom, red lipstick and yellow hair, although I thought that it was probably just white and reflecting the yellow of her outfit. I nearly shook hands with her, but felt a little intimidated by the inch long black finger nails which I had just noticed and she didn’t seem to mind that I hadn’t so I didn’t. “I hear you have three foxes”, I said as a way of breaking into conversation as Andy was getting the sofa out the van. “Yes”, she said. “I would love to see them”, I said, “Are they around?” I asked. “No, they will probably be hiding upstairs”, she answered and went on, “They hate men...with good reason too.” I wasn’t sure if she meant that men had been nasty to the foxes or not, but I got the feeling that she was in agreement with the foxes for her own reasons and besides, her doddering man-slave had come out who was only about fifty (going on eighty) who was going to help Andy with the couch. She muttered something of an insult to him as he walked past and he bumbled something equally as discontent through his beard and bent frame as he grabbed his side of the sofa to assist Andy. He smelt like he had wet his pants and was coming across a little grim, but I wanted to see the foxes so followed her up to the front door of the house which was just ten metres away.
She opened the door and there was a black cat arching on a sofa just inside the door, but oddly enough, I only thought of that again now for the first time since it happened. What struck me as I walked through the door was as clear to my senses as if someone had walked up to me and poured a bucket of ammonia, rotting  flesh, and putrefied, rank, rancid death all over me. In all my years and all my experiences, nothing has prepared me for that most shocking stench. I looked at the landlady who was coming across more as the anti-Christ than anything else I could think of. She was standing there talking about something I could not hear. The husband and Andy had just arrived through the door and were going to close it behind them. That would have been unacceptable to me. I tried breathing through my mouth and blocking my nose, but the noxious air was filling me with horrid feelings of desperate loathing and fear. I said, “I’m not comfortable with leaving the van on the pavement and am going to keep an eye on it.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. The neighbour is no problem at all”, the anti-land-Christ-lady said. “oh my god”, I was thinking, “What is wrong with you fucking people? Can you not smell the death and decay and filthy putrid stench that is soaking into us and clogging our lungs and lives?”
“It’s not the neighbour I was thinking about”, I said, “more like the police for me having illegally parked the van.”
“Oh, never mind about that. You won’t see them around here”, she retorted. I could almost hear them thinking, “This one’s lasting long...another ten seconds and he’ll  be left with no choice, but  to pass out.”
I pulled out my phone, answered an imaginary call, and left the building. Trying to keep my life running as normally as possible, I made a call to the husband of a friend of mine with whom I was going to meet after this appointment and before my next one, if there was time. There was no time, but I could barely get the words out before retching thrice and then throwing up into the gutter. “Are you Ok?” Chris asked from his five star hotel in Knightsbridge. Oh, how I wished I was there! I assured him I wasn’t, wretched again, tried to explain what was happening, then had to negotiate with Andy who came out and was trying to persuade me to not only help him to take the couch I already had to the dump, but also a stained stinking one by the door with cushions that he had already loaded with fresh brown wet poo wiped into them. Already the back of the van was reeking with the stench of it and I said that I was terribly sorry, but that was not going to be possible. He said that it did have a slight odour about it....OMG....I felt like things were totally out of control. The next thing I knew, the smelly husband and Andy had hopped up into the cab and were coming with me to the dump to offload the couch we had collected earlier that morning. My window was open, but Andy was keeping his closed....could he not smell this chap? Something was wrong? I could practically see the snakes writhing beneath his shirt....I offered to dump the couch on my own and dropped them off....the horror, the horror.
Meeting up with colleague and friend who is from SA to do the next job was a welcome break and it involved packing boxes for a Jewish couple at their home. I’m convinced that the inventor of Judaism was a manufacturer of crockery. They have a different plate for every meal of their lives. I couldn’t afford to be one.... Atheism is much less expensive. The husband was a t work, but she was home. She was about twenty-eight years old, dressed plainly with no make-up and wearing low slung loose fitting tracksuit pants, but had long blond hair (and legs), wide set eyes, flawless skin, perky breasts and arched her back with a tight bum that just begged to be spanked. Wishful thinking, but it was not to be. Ended up packing the boxes, then leaving.
What was the most unusual turn of events of the day came with the call I received just after leaving the house....